Progress Report 1.11.11
New House Design
We have recently received the initial rendering of our latest house design from our architects and we are happy to provide you with a first look at it.
The house will provide a choice between 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms and has been designed specifically to provide the most cost efficient shape and structure so that it can be priced competitively to compliment our selection of entry-level properties. It will also benefit from many fantastic features such as an open plan living space with seamless integration between inside and outside living spaces, plenty of storage to facilitate holiday rentals and the option of an infinity pool.
We shall be continuing to expand our range of house designs so that when the time comes for you to develop your plot we will have the perfect plans to suit your needs.
Parcel Numbers & Infrastructure Updates
Many of our sites have now had their infrastructure completed and have been issued with parcel numbers from the Cayman Land Registry for all of the proposed subdivisions (plots). This means that once payment for the plot has completed full title deeds can be issued.
We understand that this is a very important step and one that our plot owners have responded to favourably. We have therefore been worked hard to secure the services of one of the Cayman Islands top construction companies and in the coming months we shall have a timeline for the completion of the infrastructure for all of our remaining sites.