News / Blog — Page 6
By Joe Gregory 29/04/13
The U.S. unemployment rate fell 0.6 percentage points between February 2012 and February 2013, from 8.3% to 7.7% — the lowest it had been since 2008 based on seasonally adjusted figures. It since dropped to 7.6% in March.
Meanwhile, in some metropolitan statistical areas, unemployment rates proportionately fell much more than the rate nationwide. In Palm Read More…
By Joe Gregory 26/04/13
Cayman Islands are fast attracting the eyes of global discerning property investors. Where else in the world does anyone do a better job of combining safe, vibrant luxury living in such stunning surroundings, together with a world-class financial industry?
Cayman Islands boasts political stability, excellent transportation and communications and the highest per Read More…
By Joe Gregory 24/04/13
Almost a third of all travellers choose a destination because it is eco-friendly.
Destinations therefore should look at low-impact rather than high-value tourism, according to Martha Honey, co-founder of the Center for Responsible Travel, quoting figures from travel site TripAdvisor.
Companies that began implementing responsible travel policies in the 1990s Read More…
By Joe Gregory 18/04/13
Over the last 6 months we have been making great progress with the development of our projects.
Below is a detailed explanation of where we are up to with the sites that are currently undergoing infrastructure work.
A team from the UK head office will be going over to the Cayman Islands in May at which point we will update you accordingly.
Li Read More…
By Joe Gregory 16/04/13
Crown World gathered their team of property experts to host a stand at the recent Place In The Sun exhibition at London’s Olympia.
The exhibition was notable for the launch of their latest project The Beach Villas, Little Cayman. It was the first occasion that CrownWorld has moved into selling properties rather than freehold land and the response was fant Read More…
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